With the June solstice coming up soon, bringing us the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, we can use this as a catalyst for renewing our energy, and resetting ourselves and our year.
When life feels like it is on a loop, using energy shifts like the solstice, is a powerful way to bring a change to our lives. Being aware of the solstice energy allows us to move our focus towards what we want and, if we can follow through and take specific action, we create a shift in our personal energy and life.
We can harvest this energy to breathe newness into our lives. This is a chance to bring in healing, growth, transformation, creativity and abundance.
Here are a few ways we can do this:
1. Self-reflection and renewal: Use this time to take a look at the goals you set for the year, and what you wanted for your life. Does this still fit who you are now? If so, are you moving towards your goals or do you need to make incremental changes to get closer to where you want to be? If you do need to make changes, list what you can do, starting now, to create this shift.
2. Setting intentions: A powerful way to shift is to start an intention journal, setting an intention for each day. Doing this first thing in the morning when you awaken, sets the tone of your day. Instead of feeling that you are being led by external circumstances, create the energy of the day before it begins.
3. Tapping into the power of Light: The solstice showcases the dynamics of light. Using the power of the light, you can cleanse yourself of old energy and invite healing within. Be in a quiet comfortable space where you can let go. Take several deep breaths until you feel yourself relaxing, and the world around you falling away. Go within and picture a ball of light in your hand. Let this light grow and expand, becoming big enough to step into. Let this light float over and cover your body, visualizing it lighting every corner of your being. Let it wash away any heaviness you may feel and flow into every part of your physical body, cleansing your body and releasing anything that feels stuck, old or from the past. Feel the sensations covering your body and allow yourself to make this light a part of you. Open your eyes and lock this light to your being. Access this space whenever you need a boost.
4. Connecting to your creativity: Reconnect to those things that bring out your creativity, and have fun doing it. For some people this may be art, drawing, or music. It could cooking, crafting, writing, or anything that makes you feel creative, alive and energized. This is a great time to tap into your creativity and birth something new in your life – either physical or energetic. When you are in creativity, fear, worries and stress fall away and you move into the space of joy, fun, and excitement.
The most powerful healing stems from saying yes to yourself. Use the energy of this time to step forward into a future that brings you joy.
What are you creating for yourself today?
Many Blessings,