Getting creative is a powerful healing tool. When we step into the creative zone, it is a fun, playful space to deal with issues we need to release or heal from. Being creative came naturally to us as children. The older we got, the more we were taught to be responsible and work hard and that being creative was a luxurious hobby. The power to create lives within each of us and when we access this power, we open doors that we otherwise would not access.
Creativity for healing:
Art therapy: Art is a wonderful tool in healing. It can be anything we need it to be – an escape into the creative zone, a release of pent-up emotions, an expression of things we are not ready to say out loud, a path to relaxation, a way to shine a light on old wounds that need healing, or a means to work out what we are feeling. Attending art therapy class is wonderful for your healing journey. However, even without external aid, we can begin at home. Choose what medium speaks to you -painting, mixed media, working with paper, or any other form of art that you enjoy. The form you initially choose may change as you go along. Decide, as you begin this journey, that this will be a judgment free space, choosing a place and time where you feel comfortable tapping into yourself and letting out whatever comes forth. Then simply allow yourself to let go, without expectation of what will come. Don’t question yourself or go into a thinking space, but rather stay in your creative, feeling space. Once you’re done, if it feels right, look at your creation and see what wisdom it holds for you.
Sound: Sound is a powerful tool to recenter and rebalance your being. We can use music to transport us to a memory of joy, or to get through an arduous task. Playing an instrument or generating sound using a crystal bowl, a rain stick, tuning forks, a drum, humming, and using your voice or any other instrument, can shift the mental state you are in and release stuck emotions. Choose an instrument that generates a sound you enjoy or that you feel satisfaction playing, and just allow yourself to let go and play. Notice how you feel before you play and the impact afterwards.
Movement: Self-expression through movement is a physical form of providing a release and creating a tangible sense of freedom. Be in a space where you feel comfortable and safe to let go. Go within. You may want to put on music or bask in the external quiet for a deeper internal experience. Begin moving your body. This may become a dance with rhythm, or it may be uncoordinated movement – let your body guide you as to where and how to move. This is not a thinking exercise but a feeling exercise to lose yourself in the movement and allow the physical motion to release stuck emotions, creating a feeling of freedom.
Healing occurs when we can reclaim the joy that is our birthright. Joy lives within creativity. When you find the creative outlet that feels good, play in that space as long as it feels right, and if it feels like an effort, find another activity. Bring back the joy that being creative allows you.
Let me know what creative path you are exploring and how it is working for you.
Many Blessings,