As we add or change things, we find ourselves fitting theses adjustment into our lives. Perhaps it is starting a new job and having to get up earlier, or maybe you have school-going children entering a new grade. Perhaps you have changed your diet or exercise routine. We focus intently on adapting our routines to include the new or different.
In this focused space, we may find ourselves forgetting those things that really matter to us, or even find ourselves feeling trapped by our routines.
Do you feel like you are stuck doing the same things in the same way every day? If so, it is time to create freedom in your life. We think of freedom as the state of not being physically captive, but we are all captive to old habits, repeated negative thoughts, and being trapped in our routines.
What does your day look like right now? Write down everything that your feel you have to do each day. Now let’s explore.
What does freedom mean to you? What would your day look like if you did not have to follow the same path? Write it down and allow yourself to be completely unlimited in your answers.
What time would you get up? When would you eat breakfast, if at all? What would your morning include? How would you spend the rest of the day? What practices would you include that are non-negotiable – perhaps yoga or other exercise, meditation, breathwork or taking a walk?
Now from the above list, what one thing can you include in your day?
From your current daily routine, what are you doing that you don’t really have to do, but continue to do as a habit? Could you switch that out for the something that you would rather be doing?
When we decide for ourselves that something is important, the people and circumstances in our lives collaborate – but we have to make that decision first. If we don’t fully commit to what matters, no one takes it seriously either. We are masters at adding things to our day because we feel that our external situations demand it, but we are slower to add things that no one is compelling us to do, even if they are pivotally important to us.
Create freedom in your life by choosing you first. As you are fulfilled, you are able to spread that satisfaction to others. When you are frustrated and stuck, life collaborates with that too, and the people around you feel it. Choose you!
What are you bringing into your day that makes you feel a little more free?
Many Blessings,