We all have things that trigger us. They cause us to automatically respond to a person or a situation without thought; to pull a reaction or behavior from us that is not always ideal.
Often, the things that trigger us stem from a past experience that, in turn, caused a learned behavior in response. Learning what triggers us allows us to break free and be in the driver’s seat of our lives. We are no longer drifting along getting triggered and reacting – instead, we become creators of our story.
Sometimes the things that trigger us are obvious, such as an addict being in an environment that makes them desire the object of their addiction. Other times we may not even be aware that we are being triggered. Have you ever reacted to a situation and afterwards felt you may have had a disproportionate response? Sometimes the things that trigger us have origins at a time when we were too young to be aware that we were being triggered and learning a protection response. Whatever the reason, the things that trigger us often become our limitations.
We can allow our emotional responses to rule us, and be reactionary to life, or we can use our emotions as a guide, a catalyst and a teacher.
When you feel triggered:
- Become aware: Notice what triggered you and why. Simply becoming aware of things that cause automatic reactions in us, gives us the power to either change the automatic response, or learn from it and heal. Should you find yourself simply reacting, take time after the incident to examine why you felt the need to respond in that way, and if thinking about your response took you back to a moment in your past, you have the power to release it.
- Tune into your emotions: Your emotions are your guide. Tuning into what you are feeling lets you know if you are on the right path or if you need to change direction. If you find yourself feeling as though you are always living on an emotional rollercoaster, know that there are many tools that can help you come back to center. Meditating is the one of the most powerful tools and doesn’t cost a cent.
- Choose who you gift your time to: If being around a certain person always causes you to react or behave in a way you do not like, or makes you feel unworthy, it is time to walk away – not easy to do but one of the most healing acts you can do for yourself. The people around us have the greatest influence on how we feel, and we may not realize how much we pick up from them and hold onto. Your time is precious, so gift it wisely to people that count – those who support you and who you feel joy in supporting.
Recognize that you are not alone in the way you are feeling. Reaching out for support and being in a community that understands and supports you is a powerful way to reclaim your life.
What triggers are you ready to release? How can I support this?
Many Blessings,