What do the upcoming holidays mean for you?
At this time of year, there is a special energy in the air around the holiday season that we can tap into. You either love this time of year, and look forward to it, or it can be a difficult, stressful, and traumatic time.
Often, we fall into the trap of doing the same things every year because that is the way we’ve always done it, regardless of whether we’ve actually enjoyed those things. We may find ourselves spending this time with people we don’t really want to be with, or keeping busy with preparations for experiences that don’t feed our being.
Tapping into the energy of this time of year can create a positive shift in your life:
Start with a blank slate: If you could do anything for the upcoming holiday, how would you ideally spend this time – what would bring you joy and satisfaction? Make a list, then see how much of your ideal day can be implemented.
Enlist your tribe: Most people do the same things for the holidays every year because they are used to doing this. Give yourself and the people you love, permission to step into new adventures and experiences. Life is meant to be enjoyed – going through the motions of the holiday does not bring joy. The people who celebrate with you, will surprise you in wonderful ways when you give them permission to do something different. At the very least, they will realize, as they experience something new, how much they miss out on by sticking to the old.
Be conscious about your well-being: You matter most in your own life. Be aware that you are getting the rest you need, eating food that you choose with care, and taking time to give back to yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. If we don’t care for ourselves first, we will find ourselves depleted, and this ripples out to everyone in our circles.
Let go of perfection and the stress that goes with it: You don’t need to have every moment of the day be perfect. Aim for creating a day of joy and let that become your main focus. Perfection is unattainable and will only leave you exhausted and miserable. Some of our best memories are the beautiful, imperfect moments that were filled with laughter and joy.
Give yourself permission to let go of the expectation of others: Often we do things because other people expect us to, and we don’t consider the implications – giving in to others’ wishes, against our own wishes, takes away from ourselves. We give other people more value and importance in our lives than we give ourselves. I invite you to say no to those things that you really do not want to do, and to say yes to yourself. Spend time only with those people who bring you joy. Choosing who you spend time with can be uncomfortable at first, since those you are usually with, will expect you to be there, and may make you feel bad about your choice. Ask yourself what your being needs, and if it is not those people, be with the tribe you choose that fills you with joy.
This holiday season, give to yourself as much as you give to others. Choose joy over perfection, and fun over expectation. You matter – put yourself first on your holiday list, and start from there.
What are you doing for yourself this holiday season? Share in the comments.
Many Blessings,