It’s never too late to fly – to do those things that call to you. Our world is focused on what is logical and what is appropriate do to at a certain age, but life has evolved so much, and we are no longer confined to our small part of the world. We live in a globally connected world with more opportunities than ever available to us, and for many of these experiences we don’t even need to leave our spaces to grow and enjoy them.
Now is the time to do what you have always wanted to do. Perhaps present circumstances and finances do not permit you to go full out for that desire, but you can start seeking small ways to experience it right now. In so doing, you send a message to the Universe/Source/God/Goddess that you are ready, and you call the opportunities to you.
If you are feeling stuck, or your life is not where you want it to be, be patient with yourself. Life is about learning, growing and adjusting our direction to step into happiness. We don’t always get it right, but we can always, no matter where we are, change the path we are on, to live a life we love. If you are in a place where things feel hard, don’t beat yourself up and focus on all the ways you got there. Instead, when you think about your life, do your best to focus on things that work – like your heartbeat and your breathing that happen without your intervention. Teaching ourselves to focus on things that are working becomes a habit. Like any habit the more we practice it, the better we get at it. In this better-feeling space, we can begin to focus on the things that bring us joy, and our hearts desire.
Feeling free, and doing what you love may involve pivoting a career or changing a certain aspect of your life and, while not easy, you can start by taking small consistent steps in the direction you want to go or, if you are ready, fly in this new direction. Starting now means that when you look back, even in a month’s time, you will notice the shift. Staying put, and not venturing forth and allowing change, means life will look exactly the same in a month’s time.
Age is a number, a state of mind, but not a limitation unless you allow it to become one. If you remove this factor from your thoughts, what is it that calls to you that you would like to be doing right now? How can you make this desire a reality? We get to give ourselves permission to pursue what we want, and we are also the only ones who can hold ourselves back. Make your desire bigger than the fear, bigger than the expected life-responsibilities you hold, bigger than the voices of others, until it is too big to be silenced.
Close your eyes, picture yourself in that space, living the life that calls to you. Imagine the desire coming to life, fully realized. See the people who are in this space, walk around and examine your lifestyle, feeling the feelings, taking note of the sounds, scents, and the sensations around you. Hold onto this picture, expanding it until it feels so real that you are immersed in your vision. Now as you open your eyes, carry these feelings, sounds and scents with you to reach for whenever you need to be reminded. Did an object stand out to you? Or perhaps a sound? Find something in your current reality that best reminds you of that space and call the feeling to you. Have it on hand to reach for when you need to be reminded of why you are the most important person in your life, and why it is absolutely possible for your heart’s desire to become your reality.
Share in the comments and let me know what you are doing to fly.
Many Blessings,