Spring is time to get creative. Everything around us is in bloom and nature is expressing itself. It is time for you to express yourself too.
Being creative is a great way to express those things that you don’t have words for or that feel too heavy to put into words. It allows us to let loose without rules and restraint, and provides a path for our feelings to come forth. We can also celebrate or commemorate our new growth through creativity. It can be a powerful form of healing.
Paths to creative expression:
Creativity is a healthy outlet to release emotions. Splashing paint onto a canvas to express the chaos you feel within, can be freeing.
Sometimes things can feel terrifying to express out loud – using pictures, art, a collage or even crafting, can open the door to words. The tangible, visual expression of our feelings can be healing.
We are used to thinking about the words we use and perhaps holding back in the way we express ourselves, pushing things that hurt to the recesses of our minds. While this gets us through the moments, these unexpressed emotions can negatively impact our healing. Using a creative means to tap into these emotions, we free ourselves from judgement and overwhelm that may arise if we use words. We can then, as we create, set the intention to release and heal. This release may even come from destroying what we create, symbolically setting ourselves free.
We can celebrate or commemorate our new growth through creativity. Taking a photo or creating something, whether physical or digital, can show you how far you have come. When you look back on those creations you are reminded of who you really are and what you are capable of. Making something with your hands can bring deep levels of satisfaction and joy, raising your vibration every time you look at your creation.
Creating tomorrow:
Plant seeds for your future by creating something tangle that represents the life you want. It can be a vision board or an object that makes you come alive when you look at it. Make something that inspires you – something that will lift you up when you feel uncertain or down, and that you have fun creating.
Give yourself permission to be creative and express whatever you are holding within, no matter what that looks like. You have the freedom to allow whatever you are feeling to come through in your creation.
Express yourself creatively this Spring to shed the old, be in the present, and move towards the future.
What are you creating today and how has this experience healed you? Share and let me know.
Many Blessings,