Do you recognize your own power? We are all natural creators in our own lives, though we may be unaware of this. We are taught that our power comes from others and our circumstances have the power to limit us. As we look as what is, and our circumstance seem to highlight our limitations, we may feel as if life is out of our control and we are simply being blown along.
In this mindset, it is tough to think about the future. Especially if we are going through any trauma, thinking about tomorrow can feel impossible when getting through today already feels like a challenge. In reality, every tomorrow is being created today.
The people we choose to give our precious time to, the things we fill our mind and bodies with, and the choices we make today, determine what tomorrow looks like.
Have you thought about what is next for you? We ask that of people who have done great things, but how often do we ask ourselves this question? What do we really want out of life? Who do we want to be sharing this life with?
Creating the future begins with today’s choices.
Vision: What is your vision for your future? Imagine someone waving a magic wand: all your past anxieties, perceived failures, and the beliefs you hold about what is possible for you, no longer exist. All you have to work from is this present, unlimited moment. What is your vision for the life you want? Write it out in detail.
Daily Nourishment: How are you nourishing yourself each day? Nourishment usually refers to our physical bodies and what we eat, yet it equally includes our minds and spirits. How do you nourish your mind each day? What do you feed your mind? Do you have an awareness of the thoughts you most often think, and do they serve you? If not, what better thoughts can you change them to?
Acknowledge that you are a powerful creator: How often have you thought of someone, and that person called? Perhaps a random thought about something crossed your mind, and suddenly you saw an advertisement for it? Making this exercise a conscious practice brings the people, and opportunities we desire. The first step is recognizing what we are capable of. The next is becoming aware of, and carefully choosing, the thoughts we think, what we feed our beings, and the people we choose to associate with.
Daily habits: What are your daily habits – those little things you do each day that take time but may not be serving you? Scrolling through social media right before bed may not be doing you good, both from the screentime and the content perspectives. Implementing simple changes like having a spiritual practice first thing in the morning instead of checking email and reading the newspaper, can have a massive impact on your day. What habits serve you and take you closer to your vision?
What’s next for you and what do you choose to do right now to create it?
Many Blessings,