As the year closes, many of us tend to take stock of what we accomplished. At the start of the year, we set goals and targets that we may or may not have met yet. Where you are right now is okay.
What you accomplished, or what you have to show from the start of the year until now, does not define your worth. For many of us, this year has been a time of reestablishing our lives. It’s been about creating balance, reconnecting, and getting back to unrestricted living.
We are always moving forward. It may not be in a direction we would like to go, but we are still moving forward. Every experience, each person we interact with, as well as what we read, watch, and take in, all contribute to the direction we are moving in. It is never too late to take a new direction and change where we are. All it takes is a series of conscious, deliberate, small steps. It is about moving forward with purpose instead of letting external circumstances lead.
You are where you are meant to be. This is the space you are supposed to be in to receive the growth and awareness you need to move to where you want to go. Perhaps this stop on your journey does not feel great, and perhaps you are unhappy with where you are. The power of this moment is that you have gained the awareness of what you want and where you would like to go. You have also gained the fierce need to step forward. Being where you are has shown you which path you wish to take.
While it may not seem as if everything that happened this past year has been worthwhile, you have been learning, growing, and developing new skills. We don’t always have proof of what we have accomplished because growth is not something quantifiable.
If you take a moment to look at the person you were at the beginning of the year, compared to who you are now, you will see the shift.
Have opportunities arisen in the past year that required you to speak up more? You found your voice and it can never be taken from you unless you allow this. Have you perhaps had to learn a skill in order to adapt to a new way of being? You have gained knowledge and expanded your mind. As you look back over the last eleven months you will see the change. With social media, we can look at our posts at the beginning of the year compared to now, and see our growth in black and white. Even our photos tell the story of how we have grown and changed.
You will surprise yourself with how much you have learned – even though your life may not reflect this through monetary or other physical manifestations, it happened.
Instead of looking at what you didn’t accomplish, acknowledge your emotional growth and development. Then choose one small step to move closer to where you want to be. It could be adding a daily reading or meditation practice, scheduling some quiet time in your day, or creating a vision board – whatever feels right to you. You get to choose what is right for you. Society, family and well-meaning individuals do not get to define what you should have accomplished – only you can do that because only you know where you have been, what you have experienced, and how you have grown.
Acknowledge yourself as the powerful, strong, creative being you are. As you look back, remind yourself that you survived, you grew and there is much more abundance waiting for you to claim.
Join me in Trauma to Triumph where we bask in community, and grow and heal together.
Many Blessings