Our lives are in constant flow. In all our busyness and the routines of our week, we forget to be present. We miss the singular moment of time that we live in. The present moment is the only time we are ever in.
The past is done and cannot be changed. The future, however, is unfolding based on our now. What we think, and where we place our focus and awareness, determines the future we create for ourselves. If we constantly live in the past, we remain stuck, with our life on a loop. If we are always planning the future, we miss out on enjoying the things we planned for that have now become the present, and the opportunities that have arisen in the present because of our planning.
The power of the present moment is that we get a constant redo. We also get to develop a deeper awareness of our lives and notice the meaning we create within each day.
Each new moment is an opportunity to start again. We can, at any time, reset our vibration and change our mental and emotional state. We can pivot our feelings incrementally to better feelings with each new thought.
When things are spinning out of your control, bring yourself back to the present moment. The act of coming back to the now creates space and allows you a moment of calm to recenter and to relook at what is going on around you.
Return to the present moment by:
- Body awareness: Focus on your breath. Allow the expansion and contraction of your lungs, and the steady rhythm of your heartbeat, to bring you into the present moment.
- Holding an object: You may be a more tactile person, in which case, having a tangible object to hold can be used to bring you to the present moment. For example, holding a gemstone may instantly calm you and provide a pause to return to the present moment.
- Awareness and intention: Intention is a powerful force. Set the intention to be more present and become aware of where your mind is going. Gently bring yourself back to the present by using the space around you, your body rhythms, or anything else that brings a quiet pause and connects you to the present.
We are all different and as you practice being present, you will find tools and resources that work for you.
Being present makes your perceived mountains shrink and the impossible situations feel doable. It also allows you the quiet focus to choose each moment with purpose, thereby slowing down time, so you feel less rushed, more calm and more capable.
I invite you, for the next week, to bring yourself into the present moment whenever you can. Set the intention to do this and see what impact this has for you. Let me know your experience.
Many Blessings,