We’re at a time of the year where all the holiday deals are being revealed, and everyone is looking to stock up on things. This holiday season, instead of filling your environment, fill your emotional cup. Take time to feed your Soul and do what feels good. It won’t require any capital and the payoff is profound.
Let’s refuel our emotional well-being with the same care and attention that we dedicate to our holiday preparations, and the same careful thought we give to things we wish to purchase. We are more important than the things we own. We have the power to draw to us the resources, opportunities and people we wish to have in our lives. If, however, we are emotionally depleted, we feel stuck in a loop and cannot manifest our desires.
Feeding yourself emotionally allows you to connect to your personal power and creates space for everything you wish your life to be.
There are many free and easily accessible resources to help refuel yourself emotionally. What it does cost, is time. Can you make a little time to practice emotional self-care? Perhaps start with 5 minutes first thing in the morning, even if this means waking up 5 minutes earlier. Or you may feel that later in the day would be a better time for you.
Next, choose a few different practices that make you feel good, provide relief when you are feeling stressed, and allow you to feel calm within your body.
Here are few ideas:
- Search online for free sound baths. Gongs, singing bowls and tuning forks are among the many sound baths that can have a profoundly relaxing and healing effect both emotionally and physically.
- Use essential oils. Diffusing a combination of essential oils in your environment can clear the space and relax your body.
- Listen to wisdom from your favorite selection of spiritual teachers. Having a variety to choose from allows you to access the specific wisdom that feels good in the moment.
- Practice conscious breathing. Focusing on your breathing and taking conscious deep breaths for a few minutes, calms the nervous system and relaxes the body. When your focus is on the breathing, you are not aware of stress, and may even drift into a meditative state.
Play with different techniques to see what feels best for you. Having a toolkit of emotional wellness resources means never having to look for what you need in the moment.
When you feel calm, grounded and centered, the world looks like a different place. Focusing on our emotional well-being with the same care we give everything else in our lives, can create a powerful shift in how our lives look at this moment. We can shift ourselves into a space of creation instead of a space of reacting to what we see and experience.
What are you doing to fill your emotional cup?
Many Blessings,