Trauma leaves its mark. It has a way of changing that which we know and believe about ourselves and life. When we have been through any trauma, we not even be aware of the shift in our perspectives until we confront an issue.
As our experiences shape and change us, part of healing is checking in with what we believe right now, what we need at this time in our lives, and what the right path of healing is for us.
As we move forward on our healing path, these things continue to change and evolve as we do.
Have you taken time to see what you need at this moment? We are usually directed to specific healing paths based on what those assisting us think we may need. We may have been raised into a certain belief system and be expected to follow its teachings in our healing journey.
Part of moving forward in healing is discovering what is right for you. It is about discovering those tools, resources and teachers that feel good to you, support you and serve in your healing process. You may come across teachings that are vastly different to what you have been taught to believe, but if those teachings are aiding you on your journey, that is what you need right now.
Unapologetically give your being what it needs without guilt, shame or fear of what others will think. Healing is a solo journey shared with many – solo because only you know what you most need to heal, however, we heal powerfully within a supportive community. We cannot compare our healing paths or determine where we should be on the path, based on the journey of others who we believe experienced similar trauma. You are unique, and your experiences, pain and healing is unique to you.
We need to love ourselves through our healing by allowing each moment to be what it is, while giving our being – mind, body and Spirit – what it needs. Allow yourself the space to not be perfect, to not beat yourself up if you have a hard day, but focus on those moments in that day, however small – the moments in which you smiled, took a quiet pause, or felt a little better.
Each day, ask your body, mind and Spirit: What do I need today?
- What food does my body need to feel good?
- What activity does my mind need to give me the space of not thinking about my pain, and instead focusing on this activity?
- What does my Spirit need today? How can I connect to Source/God/Goddess/ the Universe today?
- What do I need in this moment to make myself rise into the next moment?
I invite you to share your answers with me. I welcome you to be part of my community of healing.
Many Blessings,