Do you show yourself the same love and care you show others? Do you give yourself the same level of attention that you give to others? How you love yourself teaches others how to love you. It’s so easy to show love and kindness to others, but we tend to be hard on ourselves. We tend to judge and criticize ourselves and hold grudges against ourselves for our perceived failures. When we learn to love ourselves first with the same focus with which we love others, life becomes a beautiful adventure.
Healthy relationships are built on meeting each person as a complete being – a being who knows their own worth. This knowing comes from practicing love towards self.
Show love to yourself by:
Being kind to yourself: We’re human and make mistakes or don’t do things we wish we had done. Show yourself the same love, kindness and patience you would give to another person in your situation.
Celebrating yourself: When last did you celebrate your wins? Take time to celebrate your successes – both the big achievements and the small wins. Celebrate the innate skills you may not have acknowledged – your strength, resilience, persistence, skills and talents. Celebrate yourself and the world will learn to celebrate you too.
Creating self-care rituals: By nature, most of us are driven by our habit and rituals. Creating a dedicated time each week, or if you cannot make that work, at least once a month, will nourish your being in a the most fulfilling way. Self-care rituals could include a day of getting your hair done, having a massage or spa treatment, relaxing in a bath with a book, being in nature, meditating, or doing anything that makes you feel indulged, cared for and satisfied.
Setting boundaries: Part of giving to self is knowing when to say no. It can be done in a loving way, but when your desire conflicts with what others want from you, and saying yes would be a disservice to self, then the answer needs to be no. Saying no is a healthy way to protect yourself and your needs. Setting boundaries allows us to create healthy, fulfilling relationships. When all parties know what is expected of them, everyone thrives together.
Expressing yourself: Whether It is the words that need to be said to another, an opportunity to shine at work, or a chance to be creative, expressing yourself opens doors. Have you had an idea that you didn’t share because you weren’t sure of how it would be received? Go ahead and express that to someone – test it with someone you trust first if you feel nervous and, if you are certain of it, share it today. Maybe you have been holding something within that is becoming an issue for you – go ahead and lovingly have that conversation that needs to be had. We can talk about tough things in a loving, open and caring way. Express yourself through painting, dancing, art, or in any other way that feels good. Sometimes just dancing to your favorite songs can be a powerful release and reset.