We are the main characters in our life’s story. Often, the way we feel about ourselves is built from life experiences, the opinions of others, things we have heard about ourselves from the village around us, and society’s view on who we should be.
Have you taken time to check in with what you really think and feel about yourself? Those experiences that have shaped us, have also built our beliefs about ourselves and what we think we are worth or capable of. We need to check in and see if our beliefs are true or if they are simply built from moments in the past. Have you noticed how often the opinions of others, and what society deems appropriate for us based on our age and background, determine whether we feel we are failing at life? Our opinion of self does not need to be determined by what every other voice thinks we should be, or by our successes and failures.
What we see in the mirror can be a reflection of what others have told us or, if we look with awareness, they can be the truth of who we are – beautiful souls worthy of all we desire. When we see ourselves through the eyes of Source/God/Goddess/Universe, the picture is very different. We see the truth of who we are.
Be in a quiet safe space and check in with self. This is a time to let go of the thinking mind and check in about what you are feeling and the beliefs you hold about yourself.
What do you believe about your body? Ask yourself where this belief came from. If every other voice, and all the visual inputs that tell you what you should look like, were silenced, would you still believe this about yourself?
What do you believe you can have? Do you have a dream or a career path you have not pursued because of something that happened in the past? Would you still stop yourself if you didn’t have that belief from the past?
When it comes to opinions we have heard, statements people have made about us, and beliefs we hold about ourselves, we need to ask, “Is this true?” Often the answer is NO. That may be what others think, but checking in with Source will let you know the truth.
Seeing ourselves as we truly are, can be difficult, especially when going through trauma. A great way to tap into this awareness is a simple exercise for self:
Write down everything you like about yourself and everything anyone has ever said to you that made you feel good about who you are. These could be things that came from a first-grade teacher, or something someone said to you today. Write down all those times you positively surprised yourself, and all the successes you achieved. These may even be from when you were a young child. All these things are reminders. Seeing yourself from an outside perspective can help you to realize just how capable you are, and how that power still lives within you. You get to access it now and create the tomorrow you want.
What have you been reminded of about yourself? Share in the comments or join us live and share there.
Many Blessings