“…some things cannot be bubble wrapped”
There is no moving through life without the journey sometimes containing devastating challenges.
Perhaps you will find my information strongly worded, but some things cannot be bubble wrapped. I believe that in order to heal and help those in your life heal, we have to begin with proper understanding from an experienced point of view.
For the next few weeks, through excerpts from my new book, I will be discussing with you what certain traumas mean and provide a basic understanding on facing them. My book, “Running Through darkness: The Memoir of a spiritual warrior“, will go in depth on this. It is my journey to healing and how I moved through darkness and pain to healing and hope.
“The residual damage of abuse and violence does not simply disappear. With determination and commitment, we can, and we do learn ways, and find tools that support us in coping and overcoming the seemingly unbearable, crippling effects. I have been one of the fortunate survivors. Through Grace and the skillful support of therapists and healers of all stripes, I have learned to live with gratitude and hope. Over the years, bit by precious bit, I have managed to create the stable life I once dreamed of, the healthy relationships that I cherish, and the career that turned out be my calling. It is my deepest desire to pass along that hope to others who are struggling to have their own healthy and fulfilling lives.
What follows are a few questions and answers to ponder, not only about the part of my life that is contained within these pages, but also the parts of your life that you may want to examine, confront, or develop.”
Healing is a journey.
My hope is that what I share with you in the next few weeks will help give you a deeper understanding, realize that you are not alone in some of your struggles, relate to your loved ones in a better way , develop strong relationships, and most of all, begin the true healing of moving from darkness to light.
As we walk this path together, please know that I am with you in this journey. Feel free to share your thoughts with me and let me know how I can support you in your life.
Be well, Be Blessed