We are always in a state of creation in our own lives.
Each day we can influence the direction of our day; change the default we have unconsciously programmed and flip our day using the tool of gratitude.
Finding good in our lives, finding the joy in the little things, finding the previously unnoticed happiness around us, finding things to be grateful for daily, becomes a habit and a way of being . Practicing gratitude daily helps us to realize all the possibilities of our lives.
The greatest spiritual benefit of gratitude is that by living from this space, we become less focused on ourselves and those things we may feel like we are drowning in. This allows us to focus on the world around us and in so doing make a difference for others too.
When we are in a place of gratitude our words, actions and behaviors reflect this. Just by living from this space, we can lift up those around us, influencing others through our state of being, helping them to focus on the positive. We can even transform the environment we function in. And this in turn helps us to create a better day, every day.
Sometimes, when we have faced darkness and challenges, it can be quite a struggle to feel connected to a Higher Power. Practicing gratitude is the most simple and effective way of feeling loved and taken care of and we are able to create more of a connection to whatever our belief system may be. We can become more connected and in tune with Source, feeling the love surrounding us constantly.
Here are a few suggestions to become more spiritually connected through gratitude:
- Give thanks for the awakening first thing in the morning. Though this is not always easy depending on the circumstance you find yourself in, taking a moment to truly look at why your awakening is so valuable, can help you in your life.
- Give thanks for the possibilities that may arise in the new day. Each new day holds endless possibilities. When you find yourself in a place of challenges, using the practice can help you to “reset” your emotional state. Through this, you can start opening your mind to the possibilities or solutions that you need.
- Find gratitude in the small things. Seeking even the smallest thing, like a flower growing in a crack on the sidewalk, a sunny day, or the smell of rain, we move our inner being to a calmer, more connected place.
How has gratitude had an impact on your spiritual self? Share and let me know.
Be Well, Be Blessed