Dear Reader, taking time to know and love yourself is one of the most important things you can do to create a healthy, happy relationship.
A partnership is comprised of two whole Hearts that together make a strong Foundation. Each needs to be whole, complete and strong on its own in order to create a successful relationship together.
Being in a partnership does not mean that you lose who you are along the way. It is who you are as an individual that contributes to the whole.
Thus while you are still working with your partner to create a successful relationship, you also need to take care of yourself and what feeds your soul.
Step 7. Honor our Interdependency:
Although connected and supporting each other, you simultaneously honor your own experience, feelings, needs and reactions.
Take time to take care of yourself and your personal needs.
Honor your personal contentment.
Know that in partnership we are also individuals – allow room for the individual to flourish and grow.
Take responsibility for what we need, want and must create for self; know our thoughts and feelings, and accept them as ours.
Our feelings and thoughts are ours – we are experiencing them, we decide what we experience and how we respond.
- Do you honor your personal contentment? Dear Reader, think about this and answer honestly.
- What can you do to allow room for both you and your partner to flourish?