As we enter Spring in the Northern hemisphere, it is a time of new growth – a time when things begin to unfurl and bloom. One way we can blossom is through expressing ourselves and using our voices.
With new growth showing up in nature, we can bring the newness within too. When you know what you want and need, you also know what you don’t want and what no longer serves you. This allows you to recognize when things need to change, and what that change will be. The knowing is the first step. The next step is to move into expressing this, first to yourself, then to others.
We generally don’t spend much time thinking about our voices. By voice, I refer not to the words you use or the act of speaking, but rather to the ability of articulating yourself in whatever way you are able.
Express what you need:
We often go through our day following the same routines, taking the same route to work and running errands in the same way because this routine seems to work for us and is efficient. The trap is that we are doing the same things in the same way without really looking at whether they still serve us. What do you need more of in your life? Admitting that things need to change or that you are seeking something more, opens up opportunities to bring this forth. Simply telling yourself aloud what sort of day you want, can create a shift in your life.
Releasing the old:
Are you holding onto past hurts or habits that are hindering you? Releasing the hurts can make room for new opportunities instead of living in the past. These past hurts or stuck habits teach you what you do not want. Write down a list of things you are holding onto that no longer serve you. It could be grudges, fears, anger, resentment, or anything that is keeping you stuck. Then fold up the page and safely burn it, with the intention of setting yourself free from the old.
Voicing the new:
Sometimes saying out loud to yourself or others what your dream life would be, can feel too daunting. The belief is not quite there so you cannot bring yourself to express it. A good way to get a clear picture of what your dream life would look like is to write it down in your personal journal. You can safely go wild and dream, writing everything and anything you have ever wanted. When you read what you have written, a clear picture will form of what you really want and what matters most to you. Now write a letter to yourself, describing this dream life and how it feels. Start by telling yourself – when it feels real, and when the belief is there, you can tell everyone else.
Birth newness in your life in this month of Spring by choosing to express yourself in whatever way you can. Your voice matters. You matter. Share yourself with the world and the world will embrace the beautiful being you are.
What do you wish to say to yourself today? Stand in front of a mirror and set your intention for what you wish today to be.
Many Blessings,