From the moment we take our first breath in this world, we are influenced by all the voices around us. Our parents have a vision for who we should or could be. When we start school, our teachers see us in a certain light, and this also impacts the way we view ourselves. Do you have a belief such as, I am disorganized? Such beliefs likely stem from hearing these words repeatedly as a child.
While the village that raises us is usually well-meaning, the adults tend to forget that children absorb what they are taught very quickly, and these teachings become beliefs which influence every area of the children’s lives.
Now is the time for each of us to get to know who we are at our core, without all the voices directing us.
1. Tap into your being and listen to the voice within: You came into this world with a powerful knowing of who you are but the external influences shifted that. Check in and see why you do the things you do, for example, having dinner with someone regularly, attending a talk, or anything else you do that brings out strong or discomforting emotions. Do you do it for yourself because it feels right in your heart? Or do you do it because it is expected of you by those around you? Your emotions are your guide, and if it feels right in your heart to say yes or no to something, then it is the best course of action to take.
2. Listen only to the voices that matter: All the people we are surrounded by each day in our families, work environments, education spaces, and even those we interact with when we run errands, all see us in a certain way. The different spaces we operate in get to see different sides to us. Some people can be critical, making us feel bad. In such a case, ask yourself, is this someone that matters and has my best interest at heart? If not, that voice doesn’t count. If it is a yes, listen to what they are saying and see if it fits you – in your heart, is what they are saying something to listen to? Even those who love us are not always right about us.
3. See yourself through another’s eyes: Often how we view ourselves includes our insecurities, fears, and feelings of unworthiness. Others see us in an entirely different light. If you were to ask people how they see you, you may be surprised by their answers. What we feel uncertain about within ourselves, others tend to see as beautiful qualities that they admire about us. Sometimes stepping back and allowing others to reflect how they see us can show us sides to ourselves that we didn’t even realize exist. This can be a powerful way to build yourself up, provided you are hearing from those who are coming a place of love and have no ulterior motive.
What have you discovered about yourself that you didn’t know before? Explore more here.
Many Blessings,