Life moves at such a busy pace in today’s world that we rarely take time to stop and check in with where we are. Sometimes we don’t check in because we don’t want to deal with the fear of what we will find, and sometimes it is because we feel we don’t have the time to spare. In reality, we don’t have the time not to check in. Life will keep moving forward and we get to decide if we like where our life is going, if we want to change the direction, or if we want every day to be the same as it is now.
Society has created expected milestones that we are taught we need to meet. Regardless of how we feel about those milestones, they still seem to have a certain level of control over us and how we feel about our lives. As we reach a certain age and the associated milestones, we may feel negatively about ourselves if we stop to compare our journey with others, personally or financially. Each of us is on a different journey in life, and what matters to one person, what fills their Soul, is unique.
Perhaps you saw life moving in a certain direction and had it all planned out. Then something unexpected happened, or you found yourself dealing with the aftermath of trauma. These experiences might have changed who you are and what you value. You can still bring your dreams to life if they were your dreams to begin with, instead of society’s expectations. Alternatively, you may find that your experiences have led you to new dreams instead.
Checking in allows us to see where we are and if we still want to be on the same path, or if we are seeking something new and need to take action. Perhaps this action is simply focusing on getting to know who we are again – this new version of us after an altering experience.
Instead of comparing yourself to the expected standard, ask yourself what is right for you. Shut out the voices of others, including those who love and support you, and ask yourself what you really want in life and why. You are the only person who can decide if where you are is right for you – no one else has the right or the resources to answer this. Give yourself what you need and forget what the world tells you about who you should be, or what you should do or have.
Make it a habit to check in at least once a month and see if the path you are on is still the right path for you.
Be in a quiet space that feels good to you. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a few minutes to slow down your mind, the outside voices and the routine thoughts. Now open your eyes and set the intention to listen to whatever wisdom comes forth. Ask yourself, “What do I need in this moment? What one thing calls to me that I don’t yet have in my life? Is this my deepest desire? What steps can I take towards this heart-wish?” Those steps might be as simple as taking a quiet pause each day, learning a new skill, or seeking change in your career or environment.
You know what is right for you at this time in your life, and what feels good to you. Now you get decide to be ready to create this. We can change where we are at any time. Time goes by so quickly and implementing one small change, taking one single step each day towards the life you desire, makes a massive impact. Check in with yourself today – do this without judgement or expectation. If you start to direct your path today, when you check in again in a month’s time, you will see a noticeable shift.
I support you on this journey to creating a life that makes your heart sing.
Many Blessings,