No matter what you have been through in your past, the only voice that should be guiding you into your future is your own.
Be your own spotlight – instead of seeking approval and validation from others, turn within and look to yourself. Ultimately no one else knows you like you know yourself. You know what you need, what feels good, and what does and doesn’t fit you. As we connect to Source, we will receive additional guidance.
If you have faced trauma of any kind, trusting your voice and believing in yourself can be daunting. When we go through trauma, we often blame ourselves. Know that no matter what you are going through, the past does not need to have a hold over you. You deserve to let go of anything holding you back. You deserve to live a life of joy, abundance and peace.
To listen and trust your own voice:
- Pay attention to your feelings. Our feelings are our guidance system. If you are feeling excited, happy and good about something then this is the right path. If you feel uneasy and uncertain, then perhaps it is not the path for you. Yes, we sometimes do feel fear about the unknown, but fear is our guidance that lets us know we are growing. Fear presents as a twinge of uncertainty, and thoughts of doubt in our abilities, whereas the knowing that we are not going in the right direction is more of a feeling of deep unhappiness.
- Be mindful of the words you speak about yourself to yourself and to others. Choose words that empower you. If the words you are in the habit of using break you down, change them word by word.
- Be mindful of the thoughts your think about yourself. If you find yourself thinking thoughts that do not serve you, stop, take a few deep breaths shutting out all thought, and then begin again with a better thought.
- Find a daily practice that helps you connect to Source/guidance. Through this you will begin to find yourself getting nudges in the right direction and inspiration.
- Even if you don’t believe yet, act as if you do. Be conscious of the way you present yourself – present yourself as you would like to be and not as a victim or as helpless.
Give yourself permission to let your light shine. Forgive yourself for perceived failures – even those failures you believe contributed to what you are going through. You deserve to begin your life anew, right here, right now. In this moment, as you read this, make a decision that you are what matters most in your life; that your voice must be the loudest in your life; that you will strive each day to be in a better place than the last. You are worthy of the trust, respect and validation you give to others.
What daily practice will you engage in that helps you find your voice?
Many Blessings,