In the spirit of Spring, and the idea that we have planted seeds, these seeds have now become our harvest. We need to take time to acknowledge the seeds we have sown, and to celebrate what that has brought us.
Perhaps you are feeling as though what you are harvesting now is not what you really want. Let us remember that it is not too late to put down new seeds for a future harvest; to plan for a future that excites you. This is the time for you to focus on what you would like to harvest. Create a harvest of things that light you up and fill you with joy.
Let your harvest be filled with those things that encourage you to enjoy the life you want to create –those things that lift your spirits, raising your vibration. When we lift up our spirits, we feel better and as we do this repeatedly, we create a noticeable shift in our overall lives. We are able to create a vibrant, fulfilling life. Whatever you are going through right now, giving yourself the gift of creating the harvest you wish to reap, will move you forward in a beautiful, healing and wonderful way. Every step takes you further from that which you wish to leave behind, and closer to the life you choose to create.
To plan your harvest:
- Make a list of different activities that boost your self-esteem and bring you a greater depth of joy. Your list might include things such as walking or mountain climbing. Perhaps it includes things you can do at home, relaxation activities such as listening to music, using a coloring book, or even lying flat on the floor for two minutes. Perhaps you are a creative person – painting may inspire you and serve as an outlet for healing. Some activities may take time and planning, while others such as meditating or dancing may only take a few minutes.
- Once you have created your list, highlight the things that bring you the most joy.
- Add these activities to your daily practice. If all you can manage is five minutes in your day, then use a short activity. If you can create more time, do something that you feel passionate about.
Some of these activities may be things you have harvested before, while others may come from brand new seeds. There are activities you choose that may be a hybrid of both.
As you plan your harvest, you change the seeds you sow now, and so change the landscape of your life. Design a garden of life that you wish to see, filled with those things that bring you the greatest joy. Choose only things that feed your soul – things that you alone have chosen and that truly fit your being. Allow your light to shine in every moment. It is your time to bloom and allow your unique and wonderful being to be a beacon to the world around you.
What seeds are sowing for your future harvest? Share in the comments below. Your words may inspire others.
Many Blessings,