Have you been feeling as if life is moving along in much the same way as always, yet time is moving at a faster pace? We tend to be so focused on getting through each day, that it quickly becomes a week, and soon months have passed. With the responsibilities and commitments we have in our lives, it is so easy to be focused on getting through each item on our list, that we don’t stop and take notice of whether we are actually moving in the direction we wish to go, standing still, or taking a path we don’t want to be on.
Our world has been in so much flux that bringing any change into our daily lives can be something we simply shut down. Yet, when we had no choice, change became a way of life.
Sometimes we need to shake up our world and interrupt our routines, choosing our own change. This can be a catalyst to creating something new in our lives. Instead of waiting for our world to be shaken up by external circumstance and being forced to do things differently, we can choose to bring change on our terms. We can create the life we want instead of moving along on a path that we ended up on by default.
1. Stop and evaluate where you are now: What is working for you? What is not working for you? It may be that you wish to exercise more or change your eating habits. Perhaps you are looking for a career change.
2. Be open: even If what you want seems impossible, or you cannot see how your desire will happen, that does not matter. It is not up to you to figure out the how – just know the what and the why. When we know what we want, and our deep reason for it, we call possibilities and opportunities into our lives. Be open and allow yourself to dream.
3. Set your terms: At what point does staying where you are no longer matter? When we are forced to change our diet because our health is suffering, we do. In the same way, we can choose to make the change instead of being forced to do so. We can decide what is no longer acceptable and begin to implement the changes we need to get to our desired outcome. What are your terms for when the change is a yes for you? When you have a clear vision of what you want, it is time to make this change. Every change is uncomfortable at first but it quickly becomes a habit if the outcome matters enough.
4. Create change with small consistent steps: Start with what your life would look like if your desire was fulfilled. Going all in may work for some people but doing this may not have a lasting effect for most of us. Taking small steps that feel doable is the key to changing where you are. Though you may not see the impact immediately, it will reverberate. As each little step becomes a habit, you take yourself to the next level.
Choose the life you want and claim it today. What new change are you bringing forth this week?
Many Blessings,