This journey of life shapes who we are. Every experience leaves its mark on us – those we see and those we don’t. All this is part of our story – the story of a person who came out on the other side and is still here, still holding on, and moving forward. We have survived trauma in whatever form that may be, and we are still here.
This is a time to celebrate ourselves as survivors. We have had life experiences that have deeply impacted us and the way we view ourselves. We get to choose how we will use these experiences and what we will take away from them.
Anyone who has been through trauma has developed depths of strengths they don’t even realize they have. Right now, in this moment, acknowledge that you have braved life and come through a victor.
This may be as simple as getting up to face today. You did that. Or it may be realizing that you have accomplished something you did not know you could do.
Celebrate the fact that no matter what you have been through, you have chosen to be here. Know that it only gets better.
Celebrate yourself:
Celebrate every win: No matter how small or big, a win is a win. It may be as simple as making your bed today when you don’t usually feel up to it or it may be taking a positive step forward in your career or a relationship. Every day, take note of your wins for the day, whether they are small or big. These all add up. And it’s about your definition of a win – no one else’s. What you consider a win does not have to be in line with what others would consider normal.
Give yourself the gift of gratitude: Having a daily gratitude practice is a great way to raise one’s vibration and connect with Source/God/Goddess/Universe. Take a few minutes every day, Whenever you feel called to, or need a lift, go into gratitude. Simply place you hand on your heart, and ask yourself what you feel grateful for in the moment. The key is to focus on what you feel grateful for and not what you think you should be grateful for. It could even be your heartbeat, the lunch you had, or something you heard or read. Find 5 things and focus on each one until you can feel that feeling of gratitude. Allow that feeling to carry you into your next task of the day.
Acknowledge your strength, courage, purpose, and the gifts you bring to the world: No matter what you have been through, you survived. You show up on our planet every day. Acknowledge yourself for taking that step. No two traumas can be compared, and how we process and deal with our situations is as personal as how we grew up. There is no one you need to measure your healing against, and there is no one who can really understand what you feel and how. Acknowledge yourself for being where you are today.
You are a thriving, powerful, creative, inspirational force. How are you celebrating yourself today?
Many Blessings