The year has just begun and is perhaps already feeling layered. For some, the start of the year heralds the chance for new beginnings. However, if you are in stuck in place, it may feel heavy. Maybe there is no significance of the New Year for you – perhaps it is just another day.
Many people create resolutions, plans, and wish lists of what they hope to achieve. We can give ourselves permission to see this as a beginning, an opportunity to start fresh. In this space we allow ourselves to dream again, to start anew in an area of our lives we are not happy with.
If you are in this space, allow yourself to grow and step into your goals and dreams without recriminations. You may find your past perceptions of meeting your dreams colors how you view your success this year. Recognize that you have grown in many ways in the past year. This growth has enabled you to move forward in new ways. From your list of the things you would like accomplish this year, choose the three most important items you want to focus on. Carve out time each week to focus on them. If you’re focusing on getting fit, add an exercise routine to your calendar. Schedule time to commit to this desire and consider this time sacred – in other words, don’t give the time away to another activity.
Perhaps this year has brought up past emotions, or you are dealing with a difficult situation and feeling stuck. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that we are worthy of our dreams. These dreams were born out of your being – since they came to you, they are possible for you, no matter how impossible they may seem now. Do something today to break your daily pattern – anything that is new and feels good to you. Give yourself permission to do this activity just for today, allowing yourself a break in your routine. You will feel some relief. From that space, write down one thing you would like to change in each area of your life. Write one thing you can do to implement that change. It can be as simple as doing research or adding an activity to your day. Any new step to fuel your desires adds momentum to your life and will create a shift.
If you felt that New Year’s Day was just another day, this is one of the best mindsets to be in. New Year’s Day represents fresh starts and new beginnings. If every day feels like an opportunity to start fresh, we get to reset and give ourselves permission to move forward without judgement. We get to live more in the present moment instead of looking back in hurt or forward in fear.
We give meaning, weight and value to the days we have been conditioned to think of as important. The past few years have caused many of us to shift the way we view life – the value we used to attach to things changed. The magic here is that we have seen first hand how we are able to change or shift the way we do things when we have to. We can apply this to things we want to change as well. We can choose to say yes to ourselves and our dreams, adding things that support us to our days. We can also choose to love ourselves even if we don’t meet our own expectations, or while we are pushing through old habits.
This week, schedule something on your calendar that is just for you. This is a reminder that you are the most important person in your life and that you, your dreams and your desires matter most.
Many Blessings,