In two days’ time, we will find ourselves stepping into a new year. As the New Year dawns, I leave you
with this reminder:
You made it – you survived this year. You are still here, still breathing. The steady beat of your heart is
your reminder that you are alive.
You are a survivor, and your beautiful Soul is continuously growing, healing, and seeking greatness.
No matter what this year has been for you, you have the power to choose what the next year will be.
Start by choosing you. Put yourself back into your own life.
Every day you get a do-over. You get to start fresh and let go of yesterday’s frustrations or perceived failures. You can decide what the new day will be from the moment you open your eyes. If you don’t like where you are in that moment, you can shift the moment through small actions.
Small moments combined, lead to great shifts. Each day you can choose what those small moments will be, and in which direction your day will move. You get to choose the people you spend time with and the things you allow into your mind.
The past consists of every moment before this one. You get to decide if you will drag that past with you into the next moment or allow yourself to let it go. We are human. We are not perfect. We make mistakes and do or say things that we wish we hadn’t, but we can decide if those actions become set in stone or if we will move forward, heal, and let go. It is okay to let go and stop beating yourself up for the things you wish were different. It is time to move into the future you choose.
Decide what is right for you, because only you know what that is. No one else has the power to decide for you unless you allow them to. Choose what makes you happy – if you don’t know what that is, spend time each day looking for those things that make you happy until you find what calls to you.
You came into this world as a loved, whole being, and you get to refill this cup daily. Craft a daily routine that makes you feel good.
- Choose the first thing you will do when you open your eyes and, before you get out of bed, set the tone for your day. As you move through your day, you can shift yourself to a better place any time you need to.
- Choose the last thing you want to fill your mind with before you sleep each night, allowing your sleep to nourish your being.
- Fill the in-between moments by seeking things that bring you joy. This is what life is about – the journey of finding our way to joy.
As always, I am here supporting you on your journey of healing. Whether you choose to step into my
community, or simply drop by to catch up on my weekly conversations, you matter to me. Reach out
and let me know what is on your mind, and how I can best support you in creating your coming year.
Many Blessings,