The start of the new year comes with a great deal of expectations. Many of us think about how we will do things differently, and what we want to change. As a result, we set goals and desires about where we will be and what we hope to accomplish. Perhaps you did this last year, and as you look at your life now, you find some of those goals were not achieved. Unexpected things happen in life and we cannot foresee what will unfold. Forgive yourself for what you think you failed to accomplish. Instead of judging where you should be by the standards of others, look at how you really feel about your life in this moment. Start by looking at all the things going right in your world, and the things you are truly grateful for. When you do this, you will find that although last year’s wishes may not have become reality, you do have many things going well for you right now. The possibilities before you are endless.
Give yourself permission to dream without limits about what you really want this year. Don’t look at what is logically possible, rather allow whatever calls to you, to come. What comes may surprise you. Sometimes what we think we want in life actually comes from the expectations of others, or what society tells us we should want. Tap into your heart’s wishes. Be in a quiet space, close your eyes and take a few minutes to connect with your breath and heartbeat. Open your eyes and, in your journal, write down everything you want in every area of your life, with no logic or limits.
Pick one thing from each area that calls to you and think about what you can do now to implement it. Do this without expectation – play with it. Don’t be attached to the outcome or find fault with yourself if you do not achieve this. Have fun with it and find the joy in implementing or working on this desire.
We can create our life a day at a time. Instead of looking at the bigger picture of a month or a year, we can focus on living fully in this day. Living in the presence of each day allows us to avoid being overwhelmed by the expectations we have set for ourselves. If we can make the most of each day, focusing on good thoughts, taking time to check in with ourselves, and actively focusing on things that bring us joy and gratitude, we will begin moving towards our heart’s desires.
What brings your heart joy in this moment?
Many Blessings,