Life is constantly busy and, as we settle into our routines and responsibilities, days seem flow into each other, blending into weeks and months. In business, taking stock ever so often is recognized as good business practice. We do this for our own careers when seeking a promotion or growing our own businesses, looking at what our next step needs to be. But often, our personal beings get neglected.
Taking stock of ourselves can be scary – what if we don’t like what we see, or realize that we are further than we think from our dreams? The flip side is, no matter what, change will come to our lives. We can choose that change on our own terms, or wait for it to unexpectedly appear. For example, if we haven’t taken stock of our eating habits and health, and we ignore the little messages we get form our bodies, we suddenly end up dealing with a more serious situation. Making time to check in saves us from having to scramble later. It also creates time to change the path we are on and move in a direction that takes us closer to our dreams.
This is a time for reflection and renewal.
Taking time to reflect on how far we have come can be an eye-opening experience. Often, if we have been making changes and have become adapted to these changes, we don’t notice the results unless we take time to check in. As we actively look at where we were a year ago, and look at the results now, we get to see how much of an impact our changes, whether good or poor, have had. We also get to see the power of micro-shifts in redirecting our paths. We get to notice those things in our lives that are working, as well as the areas we want to shift.
It is time to renew your being, taking time to be with yourself and reconnect to who you are at your core. Creating this pause allows you to feel refreshed, reconnect to your purpose, and step back into your life from a place of wholeness.
Pause and reflect:
Set aside time where you can be alone in a comfortable space. Set up your environment in a way that feels good to you. This could be playing music, burning candles or diffusing essential oils. Sit comfortably and take deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and disconnect from your external environment. Now, in this relaxed state, open your journal, ask yourself the following questions and let the answers come to you:
· How have I surprised myself this year?
· What exciting things have come my way?
· What change do I want in my life and where? What do I need to make this happen?
· What successes have I had that I may not realize?
When given the space, our thoughts trigger other like thoughts – as we ask ourselves these questions, our minds seek the moments that fit. Our hearts hold the answers to that which is not reality yet. Pause, reflect on how far you have come, then celebrate the good, and allow yourself to know that anything you want to change can be done in micro-shifts.
Many Blessings,