You are a gift to this world. The experiences that have shaped you, have honed your innate gifts and talents, and you have also developed new strengths and skills. This is your time to shine.
When we have been through trauma, using our voices and expressing our needs can feel like an effort.
Using your voice is a powerful force in healing. You are saying yes to yourself, getting to know what you need, what you will and won’t accept, and reclaiming your space in this world. What you need is the most important thing in your life.
As we speak up and use our voices, we teach others how to treat us. When we prioritize ourselves, others will prioritize us too. Sharing our experiences also helps others to know they are not alone, and the sharing of support and strength in a safe community is a powerful healing catalyst.
Your voice matters.
Every time we speak up, we acknowledge to ourselves that we matter, and we are taking a step forward on the path of healing.
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Honor your resilience: We have all been through tough times. We may still be on our healing journeys. Whatever point you are at, honor yourself and your resilience. You survived a deeply impacting experience and you are still here, still showing up every day. No matter what has happened in your life, every moment that you show up is a win. We all have innate resilience – it is only tested through traumatic experiences. The act of showing up after a traumatic experience demonstrates resilience. Every step we take on our healing path is another testimony of our resilience. Honor yourself for how far you have come, and celebrate every win along the way.
Your strength, courage and voice are gifts to the world: Every experience that shaped you added to who you are. Every person you interact with is in some way impacted by you. We all have so much to offer this world, and no two people, even if they have had similar experiences, can offer the same things. Just giving a smile or a kind word can be deeply impacting for another. Similarly, sharing your story can help someone heal. Even the act of acknowledging your strengths changes your personal environment and makes a big difference to those around you. Know that you are here for a reason and your life matters.
Acknowledge the lessons: What have you learned about yourself from your experiences? What skills and knowledge have you gained? Make a list of what you have acquired through your tough experiences. You will likely realize how much you have grown, and through this exercise you will notice how many more gifts are waiting for you.
How will you use your voice today?
Many Blessings,