When the young protagonist in Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist realized that he could not turn back the wind and that he would certainly perish from its sheer force, his spirit merged with the wind. He became one with the wind to harness its’ power. In that epiphanous moment, fear and separation lifted.
The interesting thing about human beings, is that we can adapt to any situation. We find our normal in that situation, get comfortable in it, we make a whole life within the difficulty we face. We do this to deal with the situation. But where this gets problematic is that it is so easy to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. An example is you are facing an illness, you adapt your diet, your lifestyle, work hours, you do everything to heal, which is essential. But somewhere along the way, you heal and yet, you still live the life you created based on illness, you still impose the same limitations on yourself even though they no longer apply. You become comfortable with the uncomfortable. It becomes normal. So you do you move out of this?
How can you step out of your comfort zone – whatever that looks like for you?
How do you harness your own power?
First, observe:
Observation gives you the power of no longer being the character in the story but rather the narrator of the story – the one who decides how your story will be told. It allows you to take a close look at what you want to change, and really think about how to change it.
Second, take action:
An action you take creates a momentum you can build from. Just being inert, not doing anything different, keeps you stuck where you are. But take one action, even the smallest action, and you start to empower yourself.
What is the one action you can take today for yourself?
Be well, be blessed