We live in a world where we are encouraged to fit in and keep up with current styles and trends. We learn at a young age that being different means being teased or put down. Careless phrases we heard as children, or as adults from colleagues or in our personal relationships, may still be having a ripple effect on how we view ourselves.
We came into this world knowing who we are, and loving who we are. Well-meaning loved ones, caregivers, teachers, and every person we interacted with along the way, reframed how we now see ourselves. Whether we realize this or not, the decisions we make in our lives are impacted by this view of ourselves. We may find ourselves rejecting opportunities or saying no to things we really want because we don’t think we deserve them, and not realizing that this stems from the old, external programming given to us on our journey.
Now is the time to claim who we are fully and freely.
It is time to celebrate who you are and everything that makes you, you. Fitting in means losing who you are – you are not born to fit a mold, but to shine your unique light in this world. We all bring unique gifts and traits to every interaction. Sometimes all it takes is your silent presence to completely change the energy of a space and positively impact someone’s life.
- Spend time each day giving gratitude for all the things you love about your body. You once loved your body without thought, before all the external voices and judgments, and the past experiences, changed the way you see yourself now. The more we focus on the things we love about our bodies, the more we love about our physical beings. Our self-love continues to expand.
- Make a list of the characteristics that are most you. This may include things you have been taught to sensor or silence. Perhaps you are someone who is very vivacious but were told you talk too much so you have learned to silence yourself as a result. Knowing the characteristics that are you at your core, allows you to bring them forth in a way that serves you, enabling you to reject old programming about them.
- There is always a tribe that fits you – you just need to find it. If the people you spend time with constantly put you down or try to change who you are, it is time to find a new circle. Choose people that you connect with, not people you think you should be spending time with.
We are in this lifetime, and it is time to make the most of it. Choose to celebrate yourself in every way, stand out, and shine brightly. The world is waiting for you!
Many Blessings,